リズムとタイミングを改善するための秘訣 by チック・コリア

Chick Corea氏の「リズムとタイミングを改善するための秘訣」を翻訳しました。




One really good exercise that I think most musicians, a lot of artists, a lot of people use this, it’s a really good way to check your own judgment to see how to improve your judgment. Because it’s your judgment you're working with.


So one way to do that is - it’s an easy way to apprentice. What you do is you find a recording of a passage or song or an artist that has the kind of time and rhythm that you like, you say “Wow, that’s cool. I wish I could be that-" whatever. That fluent or that smooth or that swinging or that whatever. Whatever your concept is. You say, “Boom. I wish I could-" see languages, it’s so hard to describe. "I wish I could do that."


So, what you do is you take that as a model. And for the first step in practice, try to duplicate it. Just mimic it completely. See if you can find out by mimicking it, what the points in it are that you like, technically. You can mimic it. I used to do that with Bud Powell's music. And I tried to mimic his motion. So I get the flow of his rhythm and so forth. That’s step number one. And then turn the recording off and play it yourself and see if that has helped you get the groove and improve. That’s one way to do it. That’s - I’m going to give you the ultimate exercise in a second. But that’s one way to do it when you’re on your own in your practice room.

次に、その録音をモデルとして取り組みます。まずは練習の最初のステップとして、完全に模倣してみてください。技術的に自分が好きなポイントが何か、模倣することで見つけ出せるか試してみてください。私はかつてBud Powellの音楽を模倣していました。彼の動きを模倣しようとしました。その結果、彼のリズムの流れなどを掴むことができました。これが第一歩です。そして、録音を止めて自分で演奏し、それがグルーヴを作り上げて改善に役立ったかを確認してみてください。これは一つの方法です。それが独自の練習室で行う際の方法です。

Another thing that I wanted to say is another method that musicians use that is really great, that I think is really valid, is that you record yourself. Use a sequencer or use a recorder of any kind or video, use an actual video recorder. And record yourself playing something. Something that you would like to judge whether - on what level it is. What you need to improve and then play it back and look at it or listen to it and go, “Well, that’s too much this way and it needs more of that.” So now practice more of that toward whatever your ideal is. Because the tricky thing is, only you're going to know when you reach a point where you go, “Oh yeah, that's pretty good.” Who else is going to tell you that? Who, that matters? You’re not looking for admiration at this point. You’re looking for, you’ve got to know. So you’ve got to start trusting your own judgment.


Now the ultimate exercise is not only in improving time but improving anything that you’d like to improve as a musician is what I called, what is generally known as the apprenticeship system. Apprenticeship.


Now when you’re an apprentice, you find a "master" to work with. It could be anyone. It could be your next-door neighbor who plays a little bit better than you. Or a friend. Or whoever it is who’s got an ability that you think you would like to have too. And you go play with him, you go work with him, you go collaborate with, you go make music together, and this is how anyone learns a trade or anyone learns the piano or how anyone learns an instrument. You go and play with other musicians that can help you understand the area that you're trying to learn in and so forth. That’s called an apprenticeship. Work with a band, work with another musician. Always with the idea that you want to learn something and you're there to assimilate what positive things you see and learn from them. And that is the ultimate "secret" of improving your time, your rhythm.



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