ボーカリストのピアノ伴奏スタイル - ミディアムスウィング(ft. Lia Booth)(By Jeremy Siskind)

Jeremy Siskind氏が語る「ボーカリストのピアノ伴奏スタイル - ミディアムスウィング」を翻訳しました。




Hey everybody, I'm Jeremy Siskin, and I have a friend here today. Hi, this is Leah Booth.




Uh, Leah is an amazing singer, and she has a new album out. Hold up your new album, Leah. It's called "Life Can Be Beautiful." Yeah, hold it up to the camera, and everybody should check it out. It's a great album, and Leah's a great singer. Thank you.

リアはすごい歌手で、彼女の新しいアルバムが出ています。新しいアルバムを持ってきて、カメラに向けてください、リア。それは「Life Can Be Beautiful」というタイトルです。みんな、ぜひチェックしてください。素晴らしいアルバムで、リアは素晴らしい歌手です。ありがとうございます。

Um, and I've had a few people ask me on the channel to talk about accompanying singers, and so I thought I would have Leah over, and we would demonstrate. Um, we'll do a few different videos. This one is gonna be for, like, a medium swing tune, something that's just in the pocket. And, uh, we've played a couple of times this tune, "You Turn the Table on Me."

あと、チャンネルでいくつかの人から伴奏について話してほしいというリクエストをいくつかいただいたので、リアを招いてデモンストレーションをすることにしました。いくつかの異なるビデオを作る予定です。このビデオは、ちょうどリズムがしっくりくるような(まさにポケットにいるような)、ミディアムスイングの曲になる予定です。そして、私たちはこれまでに何回かこの曲「You Turn the Table on Me」を演奏してきました。

So, for me, option one if we're playing a medium swing tune, um, and I sometimes think of this as, like, demo piano, is to basically pretend to be a bass player in your left hand and then comp with three or four-note voicings in your right hand. Um, the two problems that I see most in students or if I'm seeing, you know, amateur pianists is one that they play the bass line too high on the piano. So remember that the bass line, you can't even see this note, it's so low. Um, this is the lowest E on the piano, and that's the lowest note of a bass. So you want to think about being kind of in the octave and a half above that lowest E on the piano when you're making a bass line. If you're around C3, the third C on the piano, you're starting to really get too high.


The second biggest mistake that I see is that people go directly into a four-feel, and that's really going to limit yourself. So I really recommend starting with a two-feel on most medium swing tunes. It doesn't have to be every single one.


So let's demonstrate the style. Yeah, um, so we're gonna do "You Turn the Tables on Me." I'll play a little intro.
それでは、スタイルをデモンストレーションしましょう。そうですね、では「You Turn the Tables on Me」を演奏します。少しイントロを弾きます。


So you heard that the first chorus, I played mostly in a two feel, and then in the second chorus, I went to a four feel. And how is it? What does it feel like to sing with that? Leah, any thoughts?


Well, for me, it kind of changes the feeling. Some of it's really light and airy, some of it's just more driving when you get into the four feel. It definitely moves forward a little bit more, and it informs my improvisation as well. If you're leaving a lot of space with the two feel, I will probably also get a little bit lighter with my tone, do some more floaty things. And when you get into the four feel, it gets to be kind of a little more… not grittier, but maybe… I don't even know how to explain what I'm thinking here. Yeah, there's like a little bit of digging deep, there's more notes, a little bit more intensity to the swing. Totally more accents, yes, yeah.


A few thoughts about what I'm doing pianistically. Firstly, even if you're playing in a two-feel or a four-feel, especially around the 4, 8, 16 measure phrases, you want to do something a little bit different. Whether that means changing up your comping pattern, putting in some little hits. You know, I would go… do something like that around the cadence with the bass and the chords coming in together. You also don't necessarily need to play chords the whole time; you could play fills, and the fills could be chords. You know, I like to think of it as you're a big band, and you could be the trombone section of the big band. Or you could play it melodically.


Let's show them just a little bit of that, right at the top. Yeah, cool. One, two…


Yeah, cool. So you heard a couple of different things there. First of all, I was doing, uh, like call and response basically with Leah for the first eight measures. And then when we went into the second eight measures, and notice it's always at these four, eight, sixteen measure lines that things change. Um, then I went into a four-field but kind of a different four-field. Instead of walking a bass line, I was repeating the same note. And in my right hand, I was doing what I call the Freddie Green style of comping, where I'm kind of doing a guitar strum. And then right two bars before the cadence, I just held chords.


By the way, this is all predicated on you actually knowing, you know, you don't need to know every single note and word of the melody. It's cool if you do, um, but at least know what the phrases of the melody are and where they're likely to come. And of course, we're listening and adjusting, you know, and they might come somewhere a little bit different. Um, but at least I have a knowledge of the tune, and I'm not just reading it off of, you know, iReal Pro or whatever. Um, in this case, at least.

ところで、これはあなたが実際に知っていることを前提としています。つまり、メロディのすべての音符や歌詞を知る必要はありません。知っているといいですが、少なくともメロディのフレーズやそれらがどこに来るかを知っていることが重要です。もちろん、私たちは聴いて調整していますので、メロディが少し異なる場所に来ることもあります。しかし、少なくとも私は曲の知識を持っており、iReal Proなどからただ読み上げているわけではありません。少なくともこの場合はそうです。

Okay, so that's probably the first bucket of styles would be walking a bass line, playing a bass in two and then comping, filling, doing something like that in the right hand. A more pianistically, maybe difficult or sophisticated way to play would be actually playing stride piano. Um, so let's try a little bit of that. Cool, yeah.



Yeah, um, so how does that feel different for you, Leah, playing with stride?


It's definitely more playful, so it makes me smile more. It makes me want to be a little silly, a little more playful. Cool, I like that a lot.


Yeah, and for me, it opens up my right hand to do more. So if I'm playing a bass line with my left hand, then my right hand is kind of stuck in the middle of the piano, the chords. You know, we don't need a chord every time the chord changes, but most chords, we are going to want some kind of information like that. When I'm playing stride, my left hand is playing both the bass and the chords, and therefore my right hand can start to get into some of these playful troubles.


And so, I think it's often the question, you know, of students, like, okay, if you're playing stride solo piano, then your right hand has to play the melody. If you're playing stride in a duo like this, then what does your right hand do because you have both the bass and the chords? And again, I would point you back to a big band. And if you're looking to be a great accompanist of singers, learn how to play the great arrangements for Frank Sinatra on the piano. You know, what would the backgrounds be? What would the trumpets be doing? What sorts of fills would the saxophone be doing? Um, I think that would be a really great way to go.


So, a few things that I might have done… I don't really remember, I was just playing with you. But, you know, the right hand can fill in some upper register chords, so…


So here, I'm playing an octave between my thumb and my pinky and filling in a couple of notes in between. Of course, you could play some single-note lines. Arpeggios are pretty heavy in the style. I do that all the time. It's probably getting annoying, but it doesn't stop me. And then, you know, sometimes the right hand will come down and play chords. You might have noticed that sometimes I'm playing like tenths in my left hand, and I know not everybody can play tenths, but you can always roll.


And so I'm playing… So I could also play in that middle register and kind of have a different sort of rhythm for the chords because the thing about stride is that stride is quarter notes, basically, right? And so we love quarter notes. But in order to give even more rhythmic support, to provide some of that syncopation that singers like behind them, then you want to get the right hand involved more than anything for rhythm, for accents, for syncopation, for throwing some other things in.


You willing to try another style? Totally.


Okay, so now I'm gonna play in more of a shared hands style. And so shared hands means that I'm going to be voicing the chords together between the two hands. Lots of information about that in other videos and my book, "Playing Solo Jazz Piano." Buy it today. Commercial.

では、今度はより共有された手のスタイルで演奏します。共有された手とは、両手でコードのヴォイシングを一緒に演奏することを意味します。このスタイルについての詳細な情報は、他のビデオや私の書籍「Playing Solo Jazz Piano」にあります。ぜひ今日お求めください。宣伝です(笑)



And so I'm going to be leaving more space, but I might also hold some bass notes. This is going to be maybe a little bit more subdued, a little bit classier if anything can be classier than what we've already done. Um, so let's experiment. Let's see what we do. All right. Here he goes.



You got me doing this the whole time. I like that. So that's the effect of the show. I'm digging it. Digging in, yeah. So how did it feel? I like that feel a lot. Um, I think because… and it's difficult for me to explain technically and theoretically how it makes me feel and what it is doing to inform my improvisation, but it makes me want to also leave space and kind of wait for you to play, and then I'm coming in and giving a little response, similarly to your single-line stuff, melodic stuff earlier. Um, but I also feel like I can dig in more with my whole body and just like… yeah, it's really interesting. Um, because there's space, I'm like… I'm doing this, and I'm doing this with my body, but also musically, right? Yeah.


That's cool. That's a really cool observation. Um, yeah. And a caveat to this style, especially, but to some degree all these styles, which is that you have to be working with a singer who has a good sense of internal pulse and a good sense of internal pitch, right? I've played gigs, we've all played gigs in a professional setting with singers who really need you to spell it out for them, in which case I'd probably go with method one of, like, pretending to be a band, playing some bass, and really nailing those chords. But when I have a singer that I trust, then we can have this push and pull. I can leave space. I don't have to play on the downbeat every time, and it's not a panic, right? Um, I do know some singers who, if I was like, "You turn the tables on me," like, "Oh my god, why isn't there anybody playing on D1, right?"

それは素晴らしい観察ですね。そうですね、特にこのスタイルには、歌手が内部のリズム感と内部の音程感を持っている必要があります。私たちはプロの状況で演奏する場面で、自分で明確に伝える必要がある歌手と一緒に演奏したことがあります。その場合、私はおそらく最初の方法を選びます。バンドの一員になり、ベースを演奏し、コードをしっかりと弾くことです。しかし、信頼できる歌手と一緒に演奏するときには、このような引っ張り合いができます。スペースを残すことができます。毎回最初の拍で演奏する必要はありませんし、焦る必要もありません。私は、もし私が「You turn the tables on me」と言った場合、誰もD1で演奏していないと、「なぜだろう?どうして?」となるような歌手も知っています。

So, you know, a few different things that I did there in terms of that approach. So, at the beginning of that second chorus, I was just comping, and I was playing mostly "ands" of twos and "ands" of fours, what I call the Red Garland pattern. And I'm playing the bass, I'm playing the third and the seventh, and then some color tones. And like Leah said, it's a good groove to dig into when you're repeating that comping pattern and not, you know, just trying to really nail those offbeats. But other times, we, again, we're doing more of a call and response, and I was thinking of my top note as a melody note, and the lowest note was often the bass note, and I was trying to play melodies.



Once you get yourself in that mindset that you don't have to define the beat and you don't have to define the bass note for each chord, then there's all this room to play. In fact, let's show them an extreme version. Leah, you don't know what you're getting yourself into. Can't wait. Um, but I'm gonna do, I think this is like a pointillistic version. Okay, so I'm really gonna let the time and the harmony go a little bit, and we're gonna play off of each other. Let's see what happens. All right, godspeed.



Wow, that's how to get fired from your dinner. That was fun. Well, yes, that's true. Yeah, out there. Yeah, I like that. Um, it was a slightly extreme version, but like I said, if you both have that internal sense of time and that internal sense of pitch, um, then you know you don't have to define everything. And of course, that example showed that we still stay together. We knew exactly where one another was. Um, and you could do that to lesser degrees by leaving out some bass notes, leaving out some obvious points in the rhythm, you know, not playing beat one every time. Yep.


All right, I think that's does it. I have no idea how long this video has been because I'm having too much fun. Oh, good times. Let's, uh, thank Leah. Do you want to show your CD one more time? It's called "Life Can Be Beautiful," Leah with an "i," Leah. Um, go check it out wherever you can stream or buy music. Yes, pretty everywhere. It's everywhere.

さて、この動画はどれくらいの長さになったのかわかりません。楽しすぎて気づきませんでした。ああ、楽しい時間でした。では、リアに感謝しましょう。もう一度CDを見せてもらいますか?「Life Can Be Beautiful」という作品です。リアという名前のアーティストです。どこでもストリーミングや音楽の購入ができる場所でチェックしてみてください。はい、ほぼどこでも入手できます。

All right, thanks, guys. See you soon.



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