セロニアス・モンクのミュージシャンへの25のアドバイス(By Adam Neely)

Adam Neely氏が語る「セロニアス・モンクのミュージシャンへの25のアドバイス」を翻訳しました。




So today we're going to check out a list of tips that Thelonious Monk, the great jazz pianist and composer, gave to Steve Lacy, who was a saxophone player playing in Monk's band around 1960 or so.


There's this Xerox copy of the list that has been circulating in the jazz community for the past couple of decades, and I thought it would be kind of fun to go through this list and explore it and see if any of the tips inspire you.


Now, just like the music of Thelonious Monk, some of these tips require a little bit of context to fully appreciate. So, I thought I would talk to my friend Brian Crock, who runs the Big Band Big Heart Machine and also has a very excellent YouTube channel. Go check it out to find out a little bit more context behind why Steve Lacy wrote these tips down specifically and what they mean for musicians both back then and today.

ただし、セロニアス・モンクの音楽と同様に、これらのアドバイスの完全な理解には少し文脈が必要です。そのため、私は友人のブライアン・クロックさんに話を聞いてみることにしました。彼はBig Band Big Heart Machineを運営しており、また非常に素晴らしいYouTubeチャンネルも持っています。彼のチャンネルをチェックして、なぜスティーブ・レイシーが特にこれらのアドバイスを書き留め、それが当時と今日のミュージシャンにとってどんな意味を持つのか、さらに詳しく知ることができます。

I mean, the background to why he wrote these down sheds a lot of light on them for me because Lacy was only 26 years old. Monk hired Lacy for this 16-week stint in 1960 at the gallery. They were playing for 16 weeks in a double bill with Coltrane, with the first iteration of his classic quartet.


So I feel like if you're a 26-year-old Steve Lacy, you're like living your wildest dream because for 16 weeks every single night you're first listening to Coltrane play soprano saxophone, which is Lacy's instrument, and then you're getting to play with his biggest hero of all time, which was Monk. Monk was giving him tons of advice, and he was just like writing down the impressions that it, you know what I mean?


So let's just jump right into it. The first three tips have a lot to do with time feel and making sure that you're locked in with your fellow musicians.


Number 1: "Just because you're not a drummer doesn't mean that you don't have to keep time." That one's pretty self-explanatory. It's very important for every musician to be responsible for their own time feel.


Number 2: "Pat your foot and sing the melody in your head when you play." Another super practical piece of advice. Moving your body to the music and also pre-hearing the music and the melody in your head before you play it helps you connect with the music and the people around you in a much more organic way.


Number 3: "Make the drummer sound good to me." What that means is like lock into the groove. I think oftentimes people get into the zone where they're like shredding their most abstract stuff, and then that actually hurts the groove. Monk's music, for as abstract as it was, fundamentally, it was dance music. Monk would get up and dance, and it always grooved so hard.


Number 4: "Stop playing all that both those weird notes. Play the melody." I love this one in particular because it almost goes contrary to the popular understanding of Monk's music. People generally think of his music as being weird and angular and dissonant and outside. But for Monk, it was all about the melody. Yeah, stop playing all that [__]. Those weird notes. Play the melody. That's such good advice because you're not gonna play anything that's gonna blow Thelonious Monk's mind. You and I aren't gonna play anything that's gonna blow Branford Marsalis's mind. They've heard everything. They know it all. You have to come to the acceptance that you're not gonna impress.


Number 5: "discrimination is important." Now, obviously, Thelonious Monk is not referencing racial discrimination. No, it's more about the ability to distinguish between two different things, to have a discriminating taste. Basically, there's this great story from Robin Kelley's biography of Thelonious Monk where Robin Kelley, for a long time, has been trying to sound like Monk by playing all this dissonant stuff and these weird angular intervals. And Monk comes to him in a dream and says that the reason why he's not sounding like Monk is that he is playing the wrong mistakes. And I love that: wrong mistakes. Discriminating between mistakes is very important.


Number 6: "you've got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
You have to love it to play it you understand.


Number 7: "All reet!" this probably was just one of thelonious monk's sayings all reits it's an old-school way of saying all right there's a cab callaway song called are you all reet all i want to know are you all rich yes steve lacey apparently thought that it was important enough to write down so alright.

7つ目は、「オール・リート!」です。これはおそらくセロニアス・モンクがよく使っていた言葉の1つで、オール・ライトという意味の古風な表現です。カブ・キャラウェイの曲に「Are You All Reet」というものがあり、「みなさんオール・ライトですか?私が知りたいのは、みなさん皆金持ちですか?」という歌詞があります。スティーブ・レーシーは、これが重要だと思ってメモに書き留めたようですね。では、オール・ライトです。

Number 8: "Always know" dot dot dot yeah this one sounds mysterious but the hidden mystery is that uh the word no is monk backwards if the w was flipped upside down monk would say always know kind of like as a mantra and then he had this little ring that he would flip to show
people that it was monk backwards it's cool but not quite as mysterious as it might seem.


Number 9: "I want to avoid the hecklers" this is just solid advice for anybody honestly it's the 1960s version of don't read the comment section.


Number 10: "It must be always night, otherwise they wouldn't need the lights." It must always be night; that's like a Zen koan right there, you know? So maybe the mindset is that even if you're playing a matinee, get in the mindset as if you're playing at three in the morning or something. I'm grasping at straws.


Number 11: "Let’s lift the band stand!!" Monk has a background of touring with gospel singers and such, so that kind of makes me think of that—like levitating the bandstand, just playing with so much spirit and connection to the universe.

Number 11番目は、「バンドスタンドを持ち上げましょう!」モンクはゴスペルシンガーやそのような人々と一緒にツアーをした経験がありますので、それが私にはそう思わせます。まるでバンドスタンドを浮かせているかのように、精神的にも宇宙とのつながりを持って演奏することです。

Number 12: "Don’t play the piano part, I am playing that. Don’t listen to me, I am supposed to be accompanying you!" Don't play what the piano is playing; I'm already playing that. You can understand how a 26-year-old Steve Lacy would be trying really hard to impress Monk.


Number 13: "The inside of the tune (the bridge) is the part that makes the outside sound good." I love this one because it applies to any style of music, not just jazz. Whether it's electronic music, classical music, rock, or whatever, the contrast between a bridge or a B section and the A section or chorus is what really highlights what makes that A section special. It's a really good piece of advice.


Number 14: "Don’t play everything (or every time); let some things go by. Some music just imagined." This one's very similar to the next one.


Number 15: "What you don't play can be more important than what you do play." This is a piece of advice that's repeated so often that it's kind of become a bit of a meme. Sounds like she's hitting a baby with a cat. You have to listen to the notes she's not playing. But one thing that is important to mention is that Monk valued silence quite a lot in his music. Silence can be used as a tool. There can be a lot of tension in silence, and if you're a musician, that can be a very useful tool in your arsenal.


Number 16: "A note can be small as a pin or as big as the world, it depends on your imagination." I love this one. It kind of speaks to how much of yourself you can put into a single note, and the more you can do that, the more you can channel your creative energies into a note, the bigger or smaller it can be.


Number 17: "Stay in shape! Sometimes a musician waits for a gig & when it comes, he’s out of shape & can’t make it." Could there be a more applicable piece of advice to the age of COVID? In 2021 and 2022, we're going to have a couple of years of lower than average proficiency on the bandstand because people are going to be out of shape. One of the craziest gigs that I've ever had in my life was when Adam Larson, a great saxophone player, called me at noon one day and asked if I could be at the Beacon Theater in two hours in a tuxedo. I agreed and showed up, only to find out that the music director for Jamie Cullum had thrown out his back at the airport and couldn't play their gig that night. So, I was going to sub for him. Unfortunately, I didn't know any of Jamie's music. We had a long sound check to get me caught up to speed. The guys in Jamie's band were all incredible musicians, so they supported me in that situation. But even still, if only I had gotten up early that morning and warmed up and stuff. I didn't have time to do any of that. I wish I would have been in better shape. But I always think about that situation. You're going to get that phone call. Jamie Pullum will call you. He calls everybody when that happens. Remember Thelonious Monk's advice.


Number 18: "When you are swinging, swing some more!" You know, if you're playing music and you're really in the groove and things are feeling good, don't just rest on the fact that things are feeling good. Make an active effort to make them feel even better. You could actually apply this same logic to games and sports because if you're winning a game, don't rest on the fact that you're winning. Try and win by an even greater margin. If you're swinging, swing some more.


Number 19: "(What should we wear tonight?) Sharp as possible!" I've… Yeah, that's another thing that I need to work on too. And whenever I think of that one, I immediately think of Christian Sands because he was always the sharpest dressed guy in the room, no matter where he was. I never have been. I'm like a Midwestern schlub. So, I always try to keep that in mind because it's such important practical advice.

19番目は、 「(今夜は何を着ようか?)できるだけおしゃれに!」私もこれを改善する必要があることです。そして、このアドバイスを思い浮かべると、すぐにクリスチャン・サンズを思い出します。彼はどこにいてもいつも一番おしゃれな人でした。私はそうではありません。私は中西部の普通の人間です。だから、この重要な実践的なアドバイスを心に留めようと常に努力しています。

Number 20: "Always leave them wanting more." Self-explanatory.


Number 21: "Don’t sound anybody for a gig, just be on the scene." I feel like with lists of tips like this, there might be one or two of them that really stick with you for a long time, for whatever reason. They just keep coming back to you like this little earworm. And in the case of this one, for whatever reason, this one stuck with me. Don't sound anybody for a gig, just be on the scene. I'm sure that we've all made the mistake of asking somebody, like, "Hey, hire me" or whatever. And asking for a gig is just never gonna work. But being around, being a good hang, being nice, getting to know musicians that you like, and not bothering them—those kinds of things you have to learn from experience. They will eventually lead you somewhere.


Number 22: "Those pieces were written so as to have something to play & to get cats interested enough to come to rehearsal!" The takeaway I have from this is you shouldn't write music for your audience; you should write music for the musicians that will be playing. If the band wants to be playing your music because you wrote it for them, then the audience hopefully will want to listen. And also, hopefully, the band will show up to rehearsal.


Number 23: "You’ve got it! If you don’t want to play, tell a joke or dance, but in any case, you got it! (to a drummer who didn’t want to solo)." Probably Steve wrote that after a set where Monk was yelling that "you got it" because, I mean, that happens all the time. "You got it," then you're like, "Oh [__]! What do I do?" Probably not to Roy Haynes, who would have been playing at the time.

23番目は、 「やるんだ!演奏したくないなら、ジョークを言ったり踊ったりしてもいい。とにかく、やるんだ!(ソロをやりたくないドラマーに対して)」おそらくスティーブが、モンクが「やるんだ」と叫んでいたセットの後にこれを書いたのだろうと思います。なぜなら、それはよくあることです。「やるんだ」と言われると、「えっ!?何をすればいいんだ?」となるんですよね。おそらくその時は、演奏していたロイ・ヘインズではなかったのでしょう。

Number 24: "Whatever you think can’t be done, somebody will come along & do it. A genius is the one most like himself." I think the deepest one and the most oft-quoted one is "a genius is a man most like himself." That's just great. I don't know what else more needs to be said. I used to live on the same floor as Patrick Bartley, and he was obsessed with imagining Charlie Parker in the room with him. When we would listen to records together, he'd be imagining them as real people, which is always hard for a young person to do because you put the artists you love on this platform that they're inhuman. But at the end of the day, they're just hard-working individuals who put a lot of time and effort into the craft that they love, you know?


Number 25: "They tried to get me to hate white people, but someone would always come along & spoil it." They tried to get me to hate white people, but someone would always come along and spoil it. I think that's a specific reference to Steve Lacy. Steve was a first-generation American from Russian immigrant parents living in New York, you know, and then he was playing in a band with Charlie Rouse, Roy Haynes, and John Orr, really committed to jazz. So, I love this list of tips because it says something about the relationship of Thelonious Monk to a protege like Steve Lacy and also says something about what Thelonious Monk himself valued in music. If a genius is the one that is most like themselves, then Thelonious Monk is a great genius of music. Are we really supposed to believe that every single certified Apple repair technician is a genius? You know, they are the ones most like themselves. That's the only question on the interview if you want to work at an Apple store. I'll definitely work that one.


Anyway, guys, thank you so much for watching. Go check out Brian Crock and his channel. He is a great musician, a good friend, and has some fantastically detailed analyses of music over on his YouTube channel. Yeah, leave a comment, like, subscribe, all that stuff, and until next time.

とにかく、みなさん、ご視聴いただきありがとうございました。Brian Crockさんと彼のチャンネルもぜひチェックしてみてください。彼は素晴らしいミュージシャンであり、良き友人であり、YouTubeチャンネルで非常に詳細な音楽の解説をしています。コメントを残したり、高評価やチャンネル登録をしていただけると嬉しいです。次回までお楽しみに。


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