Learning Jazz Standards(By Paul Tompson)

Paul Thompson(pdbass)が語る「Learning Jazz Standards」を翻訳しました。





A huge part of learning hearing and ultimately mastering the jazz lexicon has to do with repertoire. That means you've got to know tunes. The jazz standard repertoire has a vast history beginning with the Great American Songbook and Tin Pan Alley tunes.



Popular songs



And classic jazz compositions



Building your repertoire of standard tunes can be overwhelming, to say the least. Today, I want to talk to you about what I think are some good strategies you can use to help you build your standard repertoire. And no more tunes, check this out:


You gotta find the tune.
Find your favorite players playing the tune.
Find different versions of it - studio versions, live versions.
Instrumental versions, vocal versions.

異なるバージョンを見つけます - スタジオ録音バージョン、ライブバージョン。


Get the tune in your head without your instrument, so you'll know how it goes. You know when the bridge comes, what it's supposed to sound like. You've got to hear it before you do anything else. So find a record or four.


I talked about this in one of my earlier videos. The tune is the melody, it's not the chords. It's the melody we can change, we can do a reharmonization. But if we do anything to the melody, it changes the tune itself. Start with the melody, learn how to play the melody on your instrument.



If you can't play it yet, then learn how to sing it first, and then learn how to play it. The great Ray Brown technique was to sing the melody while playing a bass line underneath himself.



You get the top and the bottom of the music, and as a bass player, that's the information we need. It helps us fill in the middle, which are the chords.

Know the melody, it'll help you with the bassline. Find a piano and sit down and play the changes to the song. The piano is an essential tool, not just for jazz musicians, but musicians in general. If you go to music school, chances are you're going to have to play some piano. And if you haven't already started, you should sit down and start trying to learn to play some basic chords and basic voicings on the instrument.


Sitting down with the tune on the piano allows us to hear chord qualities and eventually extensions and cadences, how one chord leads to the next. Knowing how to play some piano will help you walk better bass lines and play better solos. My piano playing, unfortunately, is bad. I don't use fancy voicings, but I do know how to play all of my chord qualities and most of my two-five-ones. And I believe that's all you need.


You've got to put in the time. There's no easy way around it. There's a difference between being able to play something and knowing a tune absolutely cold. Maybe you've heard the story about Thelonious Monk trying to learn a new tune and playing it for one hour straight. An hour. You can start to internalize music this way.


Some of our favorite musicians, including Miles Davis, Train, and Bird, they played the same compositions over and over again for years because they had internalized them to the point where they could really be free on them and just play. You've got to play tunes over and over again to really internalize them.


I'm sure we can all play the blues. Every tune you know should be like that. Now, I think most of us can already do this. If I said, "Let's play a blues in F and let's maybe move it to B-flat or C or E-flat," I think we could all do that because we're comfortable with that form. But let's say we take "Autumn Leaves" and we move it, say up a major third to B minor. How long could you play it without making a mistake? You think you're comfortable with the tune? Move the key around a little bit and see how comfortable you really are.

きっとみんなでブルースを演奏できると思います。自分が知っている曲は、すべてそうであるべきです。今、私たちはそれができると思います。もし「Fでブルースを演奏しましょう。それをB♭やC、E♭に移調してみましょう」と言ったら、私たちはみんなそれができるでしょう。なぜなら、その形式に慣れているからです。しかし、例えば「Autumn Leaves」を取って、メジャーサード上げてBマイナーに移調してみましょう。ミスなくどれくらい演奏できるでしょうか?その曲に慣れていると思いますか?キーを少し変えてみて、本当に慣れているかどうか確かめてみてください。

It'll force you to listen. It'll break you out of some of the clichés we end up playing all the time. And it'll challenge your knowledge of the tune in general. Imagine if we could play "Body and Soul" or "Giant Steps" in any key. That's knowing a tune.

それによって、より注意深く聴くことができます。いつも演奏している定型句から抜け出すことができますし、一般的な曲の知識にも挑戦することができます。もし「Body and Soul」や「Giant Steps」をどんなキーでも演奏できたらどうでしょう。それこそが曲を知っているということです。

The long and short of it is, you're not fully listening if you're looking at changes. And if you're looking at the changes to the tune, you don't know it. Period.


While I can appreciate the vast number of resources jazz musicians have available to them today, we have to acknowledge that when it comes to the standard repertoire, the fake books and phone apps are merely training wheels. They will help you start to ride and get you to a certain point, but if you want to go fast, you've got to take them off at some point.


Now, I know what you're thinking. There are definitely times that we need charts. Let's say you're playing an original tune or a complex arrangement, or something obscure, or you're playing with a big band. Everybody needs to be on the same page. But let's say you're at a jam session and someone wants to play "Whisper Not" by Benny Golson. You shouldn't be up there looking at the changes on your phone.

もちろん、チャートが必要な場面もあることは理解しています。オリジナル曲や複雑なアレンジ、あるいはマイナーな曲やビッグバンドで演奏する場合などです。皆が同じページを持つ必要があります。しかし、例えばジャムセッションで誰かがベニー・ゴルソンの「Whisper Not」を演奏したいと言った場合、スマートフォンでコード進行を見ている姿は避けるべきです。

This is a tune that's been around for more than 50 years and is probably on more than 100 jazz recordings. You should know it. Remember, the art of jazz is not the art of knowing, it's the art of listening. So use your ears.


Here are some tips from my personal experience that I think can help you when trying to learn tunes and learn them on the bandstand.


First of all, lean on the chordal instrument, whether it's a guitar or piano. A piano player that knows the tune can feed you the bass notes. They can feed you exactly where the chords are going. So, if you listen hard and even look at their left hand, you'll often figure out where the tune is going.


Secondly, ask questions: What key is the song in? What's the first chord of the song? What's the first chord of the bridge, if there is a bridge? This is all information we can obtain in like 10 seconds before the tune is counted off and can totally put you in the same neighborhood as everyone else.


Take notes. If there's a tune you didn't know, write it down. If there was a part of a tune you kind of struggled with, write it down. That way, you can go home and put in the work on that tune so that next time, you can be ready to do it. I often advise my students to introduce themselves to a new standard about once a week. That gives you about six or seven days to really explore a tune, find great versions of it, and work on it. So, make sure you make notes of what you need to work on.


Learning new tunes is not that easy. You've got to be willing to struggle through a chorus or two before you really get a foothold in it. So, don't be afraid to make mistakes. Trust yourself without the chart and be willing to play a wrong note in order to know what the right one is. I'd much rather struggle through two or three choruses of a tune I don't know and know it for the rest of my life than to have to need a chart every time I play it.


You dig? Now, the cool thing is that the more tunes you learn, the easier it becomes. Your first 10 are going to be harder than your first 100, and your first thousands are going to be harder than your first. The more you add tunes to your repertoire, the more commonalities you're going to see between tunes, and the easier it will become to hear those tunes. For instance, the bridge to "My Shining Hour" is the same as the bridge to Broadway tunes. Tunes have a lot in common, especially these American Songbook tunes. But the more you add, the easier it will be to learn tunes. So, keep going.

了解ですか? さて、素晴らしいことは、学ぶ曲の数が増えるほど、それが容易になることです。最初の10曲は最初の100曲よりも難しいですし、最初の数曲は最初の1000曲よりも難しいでしょう。レパートリーに曲を追加するごとに、曲同士の共通点が増え、それらの曲を聴き取りやすくなります。たとえば、「My Shining Hour」のブリッジはブロードウェイの曲のブリッジと同じです。曲には共通点がたくさんあります。特にこれらのアメリカン・ソングブックの曲はそうです。しかし、曲を追加するほど、曲を学ぶことが容易になります。ですから、続けてください。

You've got to listen and listen and listen, whether it's on the bandstand when you're trying to hear things between the group or at home listening to great jazz recordings. There's a reason your favorite musicians build up wonderful jazz recordings of the classic albums. These tunes are played over and over again, and they give us a great point of reference on how to play the tune, how it sounds, what the form is. So, listen as much as possible. It'll help you learn more tunes. It's better to have heard a tune and totally forgotten about it than to never have heard it at all. So, go home and put on those records.


Thanks for watching. If you like the video, I appreciate a thumbs up. And if you're not a subscriber, please subscribe for all original jazz bass-centric content coming at you as fast as I can create it.


My Olive G-string giveaway is still happening from my last video. So, if you haven't entered, please check the greatest bass string video for a chance to win a brand new Olive G-string.


As always, thank you for watching.
Take care of yourself and please love your neighbor.



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